So You Want to Be a Thought Leader

Thought leadership can increase your visibility and build your credibility in the marketplace. But here's the rub: to be a thought leader, you have to have thoughts that matters. Find out the seven things you need to do to establish yourself and your company as a thought leader.

Are You Flipping the Most Powerful Side of Your Message Coin?

When it comes to framing messages, conventional wisdom says going negative is best. But sometimes sounding the negative note isn't the one that will get your point across. Knowing which side of the message coin to flip--positive or negative--is key.

By |2022-01-14T17:43:58-05:00February 14th, 2019|Categories: Branding and Positioning|Tags: , , , , |

Business Messaging: Avoid the Epic Fail

Most business messaging fails because it speaks to what we do not why it matters to our audience. Break out of the list maker syndrome that ticks off all the products and services you offer.  Instead, make your case by talking about great things that can and will happen with and through you.  Get people excited about the big things so that they understand why all the smaller things you do every day are so important—and how they fit into making things better for the people you need and want to reach most.

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