Is Bigger Really Better?

In business, we celebrate scale. There are greater efficiencies, access more to more resources and greater impact. But is bigger really better? Just because a business is small doesn’t mean it thinks small or doesn’t make an impact. Ignore small business at your peril.

So You Want to Be a Thought Leader

Thought leadership can increase your visibility and build your credibility in the marketplace. But here's the rub: to be a thought leader, you have to have thoughts that matters. Find out the seven things you need to do to establish yourself and your company as a thought leader.

Avoid the 7 Deadly Media Relations Sins

Earlier this week, I had the great pleasure of speaking to the Society of Marketing Professionals DC Chapter about how to pitch the media.  Most of the people in the room were primarily focused on marketing and business development.

Now is the Time for a Communications Plan

It’s that time of year again.  Communications planning time!  Don’t have one? Maybe this is the year to create one. And if you do have one, it’s time to examine how well you did against this past year’s efforts and what adjustments you would make for the coming 12 months.

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