Creating Messages that Will Change Your World

If you want to break through the noise, you have to have to great messages. Effective communicators know how to messages us where we hurt and where we hope. They know how to frame their product, ideas or services in ways that tap into what we most want or fear. Asking yourself, three questions will help you improve your messages.

Conquer Your Fear So You Communicate Better

Fear is one of our most powerful emotions. If we don’t know how to tame fear, it paralyzes us. Worse yet, others can use fear to manipulate us. Fear clouds our brains and stymies effective communication. Learn how to conquer yours in this post.

Want to Connect With and Influence Others? Learn to be Shticky!

The race to the top of whatever field you’re in is not won by skill, knowledge or talent alone. You also need to find something that makes you unforgettable and helps you stand out from the crowd. You need to find your “shtickiness,” in a world where the competition for our attention increases every day.

Building Relationships IS the Most Valuable Thing You Can Do

Relationships are the foundation of all human activity. Our success in life hinges on our ability to forge and maintain bonds with people we like and trust. Relationships are based on an exchange of value. Learn more about how to increase your Return on Relationships.

By |2022-01-14T17:48:17-05:00September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Branding and Positioning|Tags: , , , |

Find Your Amazing Story to Connect with The World

Storytelling and sharing is one of the most powerful ways to connect us with others. But so many of us don’t realize that we even have stories to tell. We have to have the discipline to see the stories in front of us and learn to tell them well. Learn how in this post.

By |2022-01-14T17:48:17-05:00September 15th, 2020|Categories: Branding and Positioning|Tags: , , , , |

How to Make Messages that Make Your Audience the Hero

Finding the right messages about ourselves and our companies is hard. We have to slow down and understand just how we benefit others. It requires a commitment and sometimes even a shift in perspective. Find out how to make more interesting messages.

Winning and Success with a Powerful Purpose

In our virtual world, there is no shortage of advice. But if you want success in business or in life for that matter, having a clearly defined purpose matters. Purpose isn’t about what we do but about the impact of what we do. This post offers some thoughts on how to find your purpose.

By |2022-01-14T17:48:01-05:00August 25th, 2020|Categories: Branding and Positioning|Tags: , , , , |

Speak Up Even When You Don’t Have the Perfect Words

For weeks, I have been helping clients find their voice to bear witness to the horrific killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, while struggling to find my own. There are no perfect words. What matters is that first we speak our truth and not stay silent and then take meaningful action to back up our words.

By |2022-01-14T17:48:00-05:00June 15th, 2020|Categories: Branding and Positioning|Tags: , , , , |

Two Powerful Questions You Should Ask Everyday

If you want to persuade and motivate people to join your team, buy your product or support your cause, you must create a compelling message. Answering these two questions will help you connect, convince and influence those who matter most to your success.

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