In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
No One Ever Wants to Talk About Failure
No one ever wants to talk about failure. But failure can be an incredible, albeit tough teacher. Learning from our mistakes and missteps enables us to grow professionally and personally.
Yes, I Had a Great Customer Experience
Good customer service seems in short supply these days and we are almost surprised when we encounter it. A recent experience demonstrated the power of showing customers you care. Read more.
When Do The Best Ideas Emerge in a Meeting?
The organizations that will thrive in this new, shifting normal are those that can build a creativity culture with their teams. Brainstorming sessions are part of the process. When do the best ideas surface? Read more.
Is Bigger Really Better?
In business, we celebrate scale. There are greater efficiencies, access more to more resources and greater impact. But is bigger really better? Just because a business is small doesn’t mean it thinks small or doesn’t make an impact. Ignore small business at your peril.
That’s Not What I Understood
Setting clear expectations with clients, customers and colleagues is vital in business. When you don’t do this well, there is a world of hurt and frustration. Here are a few basic yet often elusive tips to setting expectations.
Are Physical Books Obsolete?
Having lots of paperbacks and hard cover books seems out of date or is it? What do you do with the books you’ve collected over the years? Do you hang on to them or get rid of them, especially now when we can get almost anything on our devices instantly.
There is Power in Writing it Down
Ideas that never come out of our heads never go anywhere. Writing down our thoughts, feelings, and intentions is the first step in moving us closer to our aspirations.
Cut the Fake Vulnerability
Somehow people have gotten the idea that being vulnerable can be a powerful marketing tool. And it might be if it’s genuine. But vulnerability to sell feels more like manipulation than genuine connection. What is, after all, true vulnerability?
Just Because You Have a Mouth, Doesn’t Make You A Communicator
If you think communication is about writing articles or building your social media following, think again. Good communication is about connection Are you connecting or just producing copy?
How Effective Are Your Company’s Communications Programs?
Do you know whether the time and money you are investing in communicating with your stakeholders is effective? If not, it’s time for a communications audit. Here’s why it can be helpful.
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: