In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Kiss Change on the Lips if You Want Your Business to Thrive
Advertising executive Cary Hatch knows a thing or two about communication and change. She recently merged her successful marketing agency with another firm and had to practice what she preaches. In our latest Prism of Value podcast, Cary talks about what the merger has taught her about leadership, culture building and communication.
How do you win when you actually hate to promote yourself?
I hate talking about myself. Now that might seem strange coming from someone who has spent a career promoting others. I was brought up with the idea that if you do good work, people will notice it. But as we know, that isn’t how it works. Read more to learn how to get out of the self promotion trap.
A Friendship That Survives Despite War and The Passage of Time
During the pandemic, many of us have lost touch with people personally and professionally. As this post demonstrates, it’s never too late to reconnect and rekindle relationships and friendships. It just takes some bravery and a lot of intention.
How to Keep Disagreements from Veering toward Hate? Communicate.
Disagreements at work can be disastrous. Communication stops and projects get stymied and ugly feelings surface. This post offers tips for understanding why disagreements happen and how to mitigate.
The Element You Don’t Realize Is Missing in Your Brand
Too many organizations lack clear, consistent messages. They may have great branding books and taglines but what’s missing are the messages that bring a brand to life. Here is what a messaging platform should include.
The One Thing that Prevents Meaningful Conversation
It’s hard to have a meaningful conversation when you are angry. Right now there is an anger arms race because the places on social where we have our conversations reward anger over measured conversation. How do we change that?
The Secret of Workplace Harmony From Buddy The Dog
Some people might find it insulting to think that the behavior management techniques used on our canine friends work well on our colleagues, bosses, or associates. But they do. When you think about it, it is about finding common ground to live and work together in harmony. Here are three lessons from Buddy the Dog.
Culture is Everything
Maintaining a dynamic and vibrant organizational culture has never been more important or difficult. For leaders like Phillippe Lanier, who oversees all activities for EastBanc, a 600-person global real estate, retail, and technology company, building and empowering his team is a central focus and that involves letting go and an emphasis on being of service. In this episode of Prism of Value, Phillippe discusses his approach and philosophy of managing this family-owned company, navigating through the pandemic, and laying the foundation for the future.
Putting A Price On Value with Mark Stiving
If we were to only sit down and have a conversation together [with our customers], we could figure out the value of the product to that company. It's an attitude or a mindset that says Mr. Customer, I want to help you understand, is this a good decision? Right? Are you getting the value you need?
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: