In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Clean up your messages Now!
The New Year is a time of recharging and starting over. For me, it’s a time for the annual purge of the files. I’m a pack-rat who never met a piece of paper I didn’t want to keep. Every year, I vow not to do this, but somehow I end up with home-office files stuffed with cable company bills, medical insurance explanations of benefits, and tons of articles I find on the internet to read later.
I Really Wanted to Hate Tony Robbins
The first time I heard Tony Robbins’ name was watching the movie “Shallow Hal.” In it, Robbins, playing himself, hypnotizes the main character Hal so that he sees an unattractive woman as beautiful, allowing him to get to know her and see that her true beauty is inside.
The Amazing Secret to Success: Clarity
In the movie, Deconstructing Harry, one of the characters, Mel, played by Robin Williams, is an actor about to shoot a scene. The cameraman is agitated because Mel looks blurry. The cameraman thinks at first that there must be something wrong with his lenses.
Beware What You Say in Public; You Just Might Get Fired
On a hot summer day in 1999, I was driving to a meeting that my boss asked me to attend in his stead. Traffic was bad. I was late and frustrated that I would not be showing up on time. I’m speeding along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Virginia and someone cuts me off. Annoyed, I flipped her the bird.
The Amazing Superpower of a Great Metaphor
Some people view TED and TEDx events to be inspired, to learn and to connect with other seekers and skeptics. This year’s TEDx Mid-Atlantic – with the theme of Superpowers – certainly had all of those components. But as a communications professional who works with executives and their teams on how to be understood to drive value and positive change, I listened to the talks with a different ear.
The Powerful Communications Secret in Lenore’s Scarf
At the recent Comnet ’17 conference, I noticed Lenore Neier of the William T. Grant Foundation. A beautiful white scarf with a tiny gold design was draped perfectly around her neck.
Avoid the 7 Deadly Media Relations Sins
Earlier this week, I had the great pleasure of speaking to the Society of Marketing Professionals DC Chapter about how to pitch the media. Most of the people in the room were primarily focused on marketing and business development.
Don’t Let An Algorithm Exploit Your Story
We don't often consider the ethics of telling our story. Mother's Day email reminders opened my eyes to the challenges of storytelling in the digital age. Not long after my mom died in April last year, an email came from the local florist reminding me to send flowers.
The Right Way to Apologize When You Have Done Wrong
There is a right way and a wrong way to apologize. A poorly executed apology can make a bad situation worse.
The Power of Communicating in Shades of Gray
I don't know about you but I am tired of a black and white world that squeezes out the shades of gray. We live in a culture where everything seems to be “either/or.” It is us vs. them. For or against. My way or the highway. Fragmentation and confrontation occurs in every aspect of our lives.
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: