Crisis Communication: Responding in a Brand Appropriate Way

In the past month, the headlines have been filled with companies, politicians and companies facing crisis communications issues large and small. While ObamaCare tops most of the news, it isn't the only thing facing harsh criticism

Message Development and Our Negative Bias

Anyone who is serious about message development has to factor in the negative bias of the human mind, as I  wrote this week in a blog post for The Washington Business Journal: Have you ever wondered why no one seems to hear the positive messages about your company or cause? It may have something to do with the basic wiring of the human mind.

Branding: Do You Have the Shtickiness Factor?

How many times have you read an article or seen someone appear on television who is referred to as the leading expert in your industry or field and thought, “it just ain’t so?” 

The Customer Service Wall of Shame

A few weeks ago,  this blog highlighted some terrific customer service experiences, a rarity these days.  Rudeness, inefficiency and callousness seem to be the norm in the relationships between companies and the people who buy and use their products and services.  One of the places where customer service can be particularly bad is the doctor’s  office and medical facilities where one would expect it to be otherwise.

By |2022-03-11T16:07:06-05:00December 2nd, 2011|Categories: Audience Engagement|Tags: , , |

Marketing: Is Rebranding Right for You?

Were William Shakespeare to come back today, he might find it oddly amusing the care and marketing attention companies and organizations pay to find the right name.  Companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours coming up with THE name–one that will help them earn big bucks, cement customer loyalty, get them attention and, in many cases, reinvigorate their brand.

Undercover Boss: Transparency is Good Public Relations

t’s a great premise–the CEO leaves the swank office and corporate jet behind to go out into the trenches and see how the real work of the company gets done. Sometimes it means sweeping floors, getting hands dirty and hearing stories of hard work and hard lives, good managers and bad.

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