In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
For More Strategic Communications, Think Sushi
Sushi is the perfect food. Simple, direct and no frills. Sushi is colorful and carefully constructed. Unlike other cuisines, sushi is light without heavy sauces. For those of us who spend our days in pursuit of the best in strategic communications, sushi offers us some powerful lessons.
Language That Neutralizes
Living in the Washington, DC area, I am painfully aware of how inflamed our public discourse is today. Just look at the rhetoric flying between the two parties in Congress over a potential government shutdown. In business interactions it’s easy to see how simple matters often get blown out of proportion. Language isn’t the only culprit but it can certainly play a role in whether the recipient of messages hears and understands what the sender intended.
Crisis Communications Planning: Be Prepared
The earthquake in Japan and dangerous situation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant reminds us of how quickly and suddenly disaster can strike. Compounding the terrible human tragedy is the sense that people do not trust the information they are receiving and feel that the power company is not telling them the truth.
1 Million Social Media Followers in 24 Hours for All The Wrong Reasons
For several years now, many have been trumpeting the death of “traditional” media. But the Charlie Sheening of America and his record setting 1 million Twitter followers in 24 hours (now grown to more than 2 million) was created by the news media. Too bad it’s so tough to find real news like rising oil prices that threaten our economic recovery, political upheaval in Libya, Egypt and other countries, joblessness, a crumbling health care system, and the fact that we are still at war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is Social Media Really a New Phenomenon?
Ecclesiastes tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. Each generation thinks that it has discovered something for the first time. That is the perception of many about social media. But is social media really a new phenomenon?
Public Relations: Balancing Communications
Watching the TodayShow this morning there was a fascinating segment by Richard Engel on a proposed new road through the Serengeti, an incredible 5,700 square mile park of amazing bio-diversity that is probably the only place on earth that looks like it did millions of years ago. It is home to lions, zebra, giraffes wildebeests and elephants. The 33-mile road threatens the migration patterns of these animals and this pristine and undisturbed eco-system.
Why American Customer Service Resembles Soviet Collective Farms
In the old days of the Soviet Union,collective farms managed the growing process like this: one brigade tilled the soil, one brigade planted, one watered, another harvested and no one was responsible when the crop failed. Unfortunately, this same style of management and customer service seems to have been adopted by America’s biggest companies.
A Great Campaign Defeated by a Typo
Has the Internet and text messaging made us sloppier in the way we communicate? And if it has affected our language skills, does it matter? This is a question a client and I were discussing the other day.
Undercover Boss: Transparency is Good Public Relations
t’s a great premise–the CEO leaves the swank office and corporate jet behind to go out into the trenches and see how the real work of the company gets done. Sometimes it means sweeping floors, getting hands dirty and hearing stories of hard work and hard lives, good managers and bad.
The 5 Qualities of GOOD Public Relations Practitioners
Yesterday while cleaning my house, my daughter was watching Kim Kardashian and all of the bizarre antics of her family. Afterward another show came on,”Command PR” about a celebrity public relations firm that unfortunately seems to embody the worst stereotypes of our profession–shallow, looks-obsessed people chasing [...]
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: