In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Media Training: Knowing What NOT To Say
In this age of tell-all and bare-all, there are many times in business and in life when it is just best not to share information. Within the context of media relations, while most people think about what they want to say ahead of any public statement or interview or discussion, they too often fail to anticipate how to answer the follow-up questions.
Targeting Audiences: Ask the Right Questions
In a recent article in the Washington Post, pollster and messaging guru Frank Luntz offered the following counsel to Republicans: Re-frame the questions being asked about America’s future because, as he put it, “whoever controls the questions determines the answer.” Smart advice.
Message Development: Use Word Pictures
While watching the gang on MSNBC’s Morning Joe last week, I thought Bob Woodward had one of the best descriptions ever for the dysfunction in Congress. He likened it to “permanent divorce court.” Such is the essence of great message development.
Leadership Communications Wishes for the New Year
It’s that time again – when we make resolutions for how we might behave, act, and become better at what we do and how we do it. As we consider changes for the New Year, I’d like to offer the following leadership communications wish list.
Presentation Skills: 10 Things PR Job Seekers Should Know
It’s a tough and scary job market, whether you are just starting out or a more seasoned candidate. But many job applicants make their task even more difficult because they present themselves poorly, an especially vexing problem when the job being sought is in the communications arena. Here are some thoughts on personal presentation skills.
Leadership Communications and the Mashable Media Summit
When planning a conference, it’s always a challenge to decide whether to go for breadth or depth, especially when you only have one day. At the Mashable Media Summit last week, they went for breadth, which ultimately was a disappointment.
Great Corporate Communications in Thanksgiving Shopping
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s not often you can swoop in and out of a grocery store for a few last-minute holiday purchases and find yourself on the receiving end of some excellent messaging in action. Today’s trip to the local Giant food store was a terrific [...]
Painting Pictures with Language
With just a few words, prominent geologist and Interim President of CUNY College of Staten Island William Fritz vividly summed up why Hurricane Sandy hit the island borough in the middle of New York Harbor so hard: “We’ve hardscaped our sponge.”
Crisis Communications Lessons from Sandy
Hurricane Sandy, dubbed “Frankenstorm” by the National Weather Service, barreled over the East Coast this week wreaking yet untold havoc and destruction. As one governor put it, the damage in some places is “unspeakable.” But because of excellent communication and preparation, loss of life and serious injuries seem to have been kept to a minimum.
Message Development: Telling Your Story
E. B. White’s masterpiece, Charlotte’s Web, recently turned 60. This children’s fable about Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider, who saves him from becoming Christmas dinner, honors friendship, ingenuity, love, and loss.
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: