Wainger Wisdom2024-04-29T14:14:40-04:00



In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.

Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.

Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.

How to Build Your Communications Confidence and Skill Now

“I used to be good at delivering my message and now I am out of practice." That is what a smart and innovative CEO told me recently as we discussed preparation for a significant pitch.  Pandemic hibernation and a move to virtual meetings, rather [...]

By |March 22nd, 2023|Categories: Corporate Communications|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Build Your Communications Confidence and Skill Now

7 Ways to Ensure the Biggest Bang for Your Communications Dollar

With the first quarter of the year nearly complete, now is a great time to check in on the effectiveness of your communications investments. Stop wasting time and money on initiatives that are not performing. Here is a checklist to guide you.

By |March 3rd, 2023|Categories: Strategic and Corporate Communications|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 7 Ways to Ensure the Biggest Bang for Your Communications Dollar

How to create fearless marketing one relationship at a time

My biggest fear when I started my company more than 20 years ago was that I wouldn’t get any business. As it turned out, I didn’t have to dial for business because I had strong relationships with people who trusted me, valued my skills and wanted to help me. This post offers some tips for building these relationships.

By |February 8th, 2023|Categories: Corporate Communications|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to create fearless marketing one relationship at a time

4 Ways to Show Your Clients Why You Are Valuable

No matter what our endeavor, we all seek to create value for those we serve. And yet, so many worthy ventures and causes don't get traction because the people behind them struggle to communicate what matters most to their audience: why are you valuable to me?

By |January 17th, 2023|Categories: Branding and Positioning|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 4 Ways to Show Your Clients Why You Are Valuable

How to Restore Trust When You Have Made Your Customers Angry

I loved Southwest Airlines. Until now. This once trusted brand has shaken my confidence and that of so many others. When a trusted brand like Southwest lets so many people down, the costs to reputation and to repair the damage are high. Businesses and nonprofits alike would be wise to learn from their mistakes. Here are a few tips.

By |January 6th, 2023|Categories: Crisis Management|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on How to Restore Trust When You Have Made Your Customers Angry

Your First Resolution for 2023: A Communications Plan

Creating a communications plan can feel overwhelming. But don't look at your roadmap as another box to check. Instead, think of it as a useful tool to move you and your organization forward.

By |December 14th, 2022|Categories: Strategic and Corporate Communications|Tags: , |Comments Off on Your First Resolution for 2023: A Communications Plan

Surprising Strategy to Grab Attention, Reduce Tensions, and Win Hearts and Minds

When leaders impose new directives without explanation or context, or when they criticize poor performance in harsh ways, they often fail to get the results they seek. When tough decisions must be made, unpleasant news has to be delivered, or big changes are on the horizon, going neutral can be the best approach.

By |December 7th, 2022|Categories: Corporate Communications|Tags: , |Comments Off on Surprising Strategy to Grab Attention, Reduce Tensions, and Win Hearts and Minds

A Simple Act That Inspired Love, Hope and Possibility to Change the World

We can’t fix the big problems in the world but we can make a big impact to those near and dear to us, to those in our communities. Small gestures add up and enough of them can make the world a better place. Read on.

By |November 16th, 2022|Categories: Leadership|Tags: , |Comments Off on A Simple Act That Inspired Love, Hope and Possibility to Change the World
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