In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Customer Service Nightmares
Today was the day I had dreaded for some time. I had to clear up a bunch of issues with several big companies—Lowes, Comcast, Verizon, and KitchenAid. And now with phone calls completed, I’m looking back on a day of exhausting, frustrating, and dehumanizing experiences
Crisis Communications: When Shtickiness Goes Wrong
Paula Deen, the doyenne of Southern cooking, had a really good thing going—a strong brand, a loyal following, TV shows, and a multi-million dollar empire of endorsements, cookbooks, cookware, restcookbooksAnd then it all came crashing down.
Branding: Do You Have the Shtickiness Factor?
How many times have you read an article or seen someone appear on television who is referred to as the leading expert in your industry or field and thought, “it just ain’t so?”
Crisis Communications Planning: Your Best Defense Against Disaster
It’s 3 p.m. on a Friday afternoon and a crisis is unfolding. A reporter has heard that your CEO is about to be indicted for embezzlement. Or there has been a terrible accident at one of your offices and someone is gravely injured.
Framing Messages as News: Netflix Adultery
Netflix this week rolled out a brilliant commercial campaign with wow-worthy framing of messages. It’s a story framed as news so topical and irresistible that Brian Williams dedicated an entire story to it on NBC Nightly News (remarkably airing on a network owned by Netflix’s oh-so-threatened competitor Comcast).
Leadership Communications: One Equals the Other
Good leaders have vision. Great leaders have vision and the masterful the ability to communicate it, thus captivating others to embrace and support it. Nowhere was the intersection of leadership and communications more evident than in the remarks by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama when he spoke at the Anwar Sadat Lecture for Peace at the University of Maryland.
Targeting Audiences: Definition & Outcomes
One of the most important and yet often most poorly thought through parts of strategic communications planning is targeting audiences. Most organizations and companies don’t delve deeply enough with their communications plan. They see their audiences as monoliths.
SPOKESPOWER: Spokesperson Power
The events of last week – from the terrifying explosions at the Boston Marathon to the devastating fertilizer plant explosion in Texas were defined by chaos, a lack of clarity about what happened and why, and enormous amounts of misinformation.
Public Relations IS Community Building
An article in the most recent Harvard Business Review got me hopping angry because it undercuts the value of PR and communications. Some background: The piece was about TED, that marvelous convener of great minds and ideas, and how it had appeared to lose control of its brand through its TEDx gatherings.
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: