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In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.

Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.

Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.

Communications Training: TV Tactics

Does the thought of speaking on camera for a video blog, television interview or podcast send shivers up your spine? Whether you’re building a base, reconnecting with customers, or working to change minds and hearts, the ability to be comfortable and effective on-camera has never been more important. 

By |August 1st, 2014|Categories: Media and Public Relations|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Communications Training: TV Tactics

6 Reasons Communications Executives Count

Feeling underappreciated?  Here’s a refresher about why marketing and corporate communications executives matter so dearly to the larger organization.  Pull these out these anytime you’re challenged about your job, or want to strengthen your ties to other top leadership.

By |July 24th, 2014|Categories: Influence and Thought Leadership|Comments Off on 6 Reasons Communications Executives Count

Change Management: Why Your Organization Needs a Manifesto

Great nonprofit organizations on the front lines of social change often have a tough time getting people to understand what they are doing, why it is vital and, more importantly, why others should get involved.

By |July 16th, 2014|Categories: Organizational Alignment and Internal Communication|Comments Off on Change Management: Why Your Organization Needs a Manifesto

Four Questions to Ignite YOUR Communications Value

It’s our experience that many top executives in communications and marketing feel undervalued, underappreciated, or even misunderstood. You may be the last people to know about a new strategy, product or a brewing crisis. Maybe you feel like the rope in a game of “tug of war.”

By |July 9th, 2014|Categories: Influence and Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Four Questions to Ignite YOUR Communications Value

Five Tips to Help You Leverage Communications

In our last blog post, we wrote about the need to Leverage All Your Communications.  To become adept at leadership communications, we have to better connect with our internal and external audiences.  We need to become more strategic in our actions and consistently express value within our organization and with our enterprise’s key audience(s).

By |July 2nd, 2014|Categories: Influence and Thought Leadership|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Five Tips to Help You Leverage Communications

Communications Planning: SCORE© Your Assets

We’ve been writing and talking about how achieving communications success in this age of rapidly changing, fast-growing platforms requires learning how to be like an orchestra conductor—bringing together a wide arrangement of programs, needs, and audiences, developing and maintaining a strong brand position, and keeping your enterprise front and center in the minds of key stakeholders.

By |June 24th, 2014|Categories: Strategic and Corporate Communications|Comments Off on Communications Planning: SCORE© Your Assets

Leadership Communications: Ask Why

At ASAE’s Marketing, Membership, and Communications Conference this week in Washington, we posited in our breakout session that key association executives—those who routinely practice leadership communications—should be like orchestra conductors:  strategic in their directions, clear in their messages, and composed in their performance.

By |June 20th, 2014|Categories: Influence and Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Leadership Communications: Ask Why

Media Relations: Six Pointers for a Great TV, Radio, or Digital Interview

All your hard work on your research, new program, client service, volunteer effort…well, you can fill in the blank…has drawn the attention of the local TV station or digital news outlet.

By |June 13th, 2014|Categories: Media and Public Relations|Comments Off on Media Relations: Six Pointers for a Great TV, Radio, or Digital Interview

Public Relations: Writing Better Press Releases

Recently we got a call from a company that wants to increase its visibility.  Seems they were looking for a firm to write a few press releases a month.  After explaining that press releases alone really weren’t going to get them where they wanted to go, the caller thanked me for my time and said they’d be in touch.

By |June 6th, 2014|Categories: Media and Public Relations|3 Comments

Our Summertime Reading List: Leadership Communications from the Recliner

Heading for the beach or pool?  Or maybe just the backyard?  We can still prepare to hit the ground running with some tuned up leadership communications once September rolls around. 

By |June 2nd, 2014|Categories: Influence and Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Our Summertime Reading List: Leadership Communications from the Recliner
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