In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Leadership Communications: A Hurricane of Fear
A few months ago, there were predictions that the world would end (thankfully it did not). Then this past week, came the earthquake and now Hurricane Irene. To be sure these are scary and dangerous events but they are made scarier by the hype of the media. Watching the coverage of Hurricane Irene , one can’t help but feel like the world as we know it is going to end.
Marketing: Just Get to the Point
In this day of smartphones, 140 character messages, if your marketing message doesn't get to the point right off the bat, you risk losing your audience. Too many people, as journalists like to say, bury their lead. In other words, people begin their communications in the middle with the details, the facts and then eventually get to the point.
Marketing: Is Rebranding Right for You?
Were William Shakespeare to come back today, he might find it oddly amusing the care and marketing attention companies and organizations pay to find the right name. Companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours coming up with THE name–one that will help them earn big bucks, cement customer loyalty, get them attention and, in many cases, reinvigorate their brand.
Social Media: Not Tweeting and Not Feeling Guilty
Last week, I was talking with a few nonprofit executives about communications issues they face and what kind of training in communications would be most useful to them if it were available. A huge issue, not surprisingly, is time and resources to undertake communications programs.
Congress and the President Could Use Some Good Facilitation
The debt ceiling and deficit reduction talks have stalled once again and the deadline is looming. Is it possible for President Obama and Speaker Boehner to come to a plan they can live with that will prevent default? Maybe it’s time to bring in a skilled facilitator.
Media Relations: Off the Record
Yesterday, I did a webinar on media relations, that is, how to work effectively with the media. The question most on folks’ minds was how to go off the record with a reporter.
Storytelling: Show Not Tell
Earlier this week, I did a training for a company’s research and PR staff on how to improve their writing. In that presentation, I included my 10 Commandments of Good Writing. Number Six: Thou Shalt Show ‘Em Not Just Tell “Em.
Change Management: Manage Your Perspective & Read a Book
Taking a vacation break from all that change management? Here are some recommendations (not in any particular order) for reading that will change the way you think about things and help you in your work when you return.
Leadership Communications Starts at the Top
Does your company or nonprofit communicate effectively with your important audiences? If yours is like many enterprises that I encounter, the answer might be that you don’t because you don’t have a good communications team. That is a lame explanation for a failure in leadership communications.
Customer Service Lessons from William Donald Schaefer
William Donald Schaefer, the colorful and effective former Mayor of Baltimore and two-term Maryland Governor who died last week, is being remembered fondly by the well-known and ordinary alike. Schaefer was many things and among them a master of political customer service.
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: