In this blog, we explore what it takes to engage, inspire and connect whether you are building a personal or organizational brand.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
Join us in this ongoing conversation about creating effective leadership communications with strategies and tactics that foster understanding and motivate people to act.
You Are About to Lose Me With Your Over Complicated Messaging
Companies and nonprofits alike make it challenging for their audiences to understand who they are and why they matter. My new electric car reminded me that complicated messaging frustrates your audiences. Here are a few tips for avoiding the complexity trap.
Finding Your Why: Effective Brand Repositioning
In order to understand how to execute an effective brand repositioning, it’s important to understand the why behind the change and what you should consider as it relates to your organization.
An Iguana Gave Me a Lesson on The Perils of Snap Judgments
This guy scared me, until I found out he is a vegetarian. A trip to the Galapagos introduced me to this character whom I’ll call Iggy. When I first saw him, I had to fight the urge to scream.
Show Me The Love At Work
It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air. It may seem odd to talk about love in a business setting but when we love our clients, our colleagues, our teams, and our partners and they love us back, it makes work not seem like work. It is about healthy and strong work relationships, and the best way to build authentic connections is by showing those most critical to your success, some love. Here’s how.
Is Your Communications Strategy Ready for the New Year?
With 2023 in the rear view mirror, what does 2024 hold? If you haven’t updated your communications strategy, now is the perfect time to do so. And if you don’t have a communications plan, it isn’t too late.
7 Tips for Expressing an Attitude of Gratitude
These days the thank you note and other expressions of attitudes of gratitude can sometimes seem like an endangered species. Expressing thanks is an important part of social well being. Here are some tips for how to do it right.
Avoid Black and White and Embrace Gray Thinking
We live in a world where everything seems to be “either/or.” It’s “Us vs. Them” “For or Against.” “My way or the highway.” Polarized communication is destroying us. We have to stop focusing on black and white thinking and move toward gray thinking.
Delivering Bad News In a Good Way
Bad things happen to good companies and organizations. While most organizations worry about their reputation externally, it is equally important to make sure you are communicating to the people who are responsible for that reputation – your employees. Here are some tips to deliver bad news in a good way.
Don’t Neglect Your Most Important Audience: Your Team
Enterprises spend millions on external branding, messaging and websites while neglecting their most important audiences–their own employees.
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says:
Liz Wainger says: