While visiting a client whose industry has hit hard by technology and the Great Recession, he noted that things might be looking up, saying he is “cynically optimistic.”   We all chuckled at hearing this turn of phrase, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

Cynics might hardly be thought of as optimistic.  Yet by joining these two opposite concepts he created a wonderful oxymoron that made the conversation memorable.

The Power of Language Skills

Words really do matter and using them well can make you more memorable and stand out, whether you are making a new business pitch or rising up the corporate ladder.  Oxymorons used well can really help you get a point across by jarring your listener or reader.

Below are some other examples of famous oxymorons that have entered popular parlance.

Iron Curtain

Jumbo Shrimp

Easy Labor

Global Village

Firm Estimate.

What examples work in your enterprise?