I Am Going Back To School. And It Both Terrifies And Thrills Me.
Yes, I am starting a Master's in Liberal Arts at St John's College in Annapolis to read The Great Books.
Yes, I am starting a Master's in Liberal Arts at St John's College in Annapolis to read The Great Books.
Wainger Group is launching something new–a series of three FREE office hours where participants can join for a 30-minute session to get answers to communications challenges and issues. S
This is inspired by an experience facilitating a board of directors’ retreat for an association undergoing a rebranding. While the board was excited about the new direction the organization was taking, the changes were met with swift and fierce negative reactions from longstanding members, who felt excluded from the decision-making process. In the end, the issue wasn’t so much the new name or logo, but how the changes were implemented. This incident exposed several rifts between the board and the membership.
Ever feel like your messages are getting lost in translation? Learn 5 communication mistakes to avoid and become a clear, concise, and confident communicator.
Creating and maintaining a strong brand presence in today’s competitive market is vital to ensuring your message is heard loud and clear. Turning your internal team into brand advocates reaps enormous benefits, driving engagement, loyalty, and adoption of company values and products. Here are several tips to build brand advocacy internally, ensuring your employees see themselves and act not just as workers but as passionate champions of your brand.
Companies and nonprofits alike make it challenging for their audiences to understand who they are and why they matter. My new electric car reminded me that complicated messaging frustrates your audiences. Here are a few tips for avoiding the complexity trap.
In order to understand how to execute an effective brand repositioning, it’s important to understand the why behind the change and what you should consider as it relates to your organization.
This guy scared me, until I found out he is a vegetarian. A trip to the Galapagos introduced me to this character whom I’ll call Iggy. When I first saw him, I had to fight the urge to scream.
It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air. It may seem odd to talk about love in a business setting but when we love our clients, our colleagues, our teams, and our partners and they love us back, it makes work not seem like work. It is about healthy and strong work relationships, and the best way to build authentic connections is by showing those most critical to your success, some love. Here’s how.
With 2023 in the rear view mirror, what does 2024 hold? If you haven’t updated your communications strategy, now is the perfect time to do so. And if you don’t have a communications plan, it isn’t too late.